

Batya and George Puro

Batya和George Puro是Deborah(22届)的骄傲父母。, David (’24), 雅各(26年)和以斯帖(28年). 自2012年以来,他们一直是白龙会家族的一员. Batya is an emergency physician and medical toxicologist at Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens, 乔治在怀特普莱恩斯的办公室里经营着一家市场研究公司, 俯瞰后院的秋千. George serves as a Trustee on the Board and has been on the Recruitment Committee and the Head of School Search Committee. More importantly, 乔治是每天早晨往返WDS的交通专家, 还有很多晚上和周末. 他也可以在WDS的学校戏剧中找到, 曲棍球和篮球比赛, 甚至还在WDS的厨房为学生们提供午餐. Batya一直是班级家长, a co-chair of the Parent-Teacher Liaison Committee and a co-organizer of the WDS bar/bat mitzvah gift program. 她很享受在Mr. 斯莱特的移民模拟. Batya and George are members of the Hebrew Institute of White Plains and Young Israel of White Plains. 他们感激所有的老师, coaches and administrators at Westchester Day School who have created such a wonderful environment for their children and prepared them so well to be leaders in high school and beyond. Also, the cookies. (Thanks Chef Chris!)


Rachel and Jon Rosenfeld are the proud parents of Emily ('18), Evie (’20), and Lucy (‘23). 罗森菲尔德家族与威彻斯特走读学校有50多年的联系. 乔恩在斯卡斯代尔长大从WDS毕业(1990届), 罗森菲尔德家的孩子们肯定会参加白龙会.
他是房地产投资公司AWH Partners的联合创始人和管理合伙人. He has served on the WDS Board of Trustees for the past 17 years and has chaired both the investment and audit committees. Over the years, Rachel has chaired the Teacher Appreciation committee and the Parent Liaison Committee and has volunteered for both the Learning to Look program and on various dinner committees.  Rachel and Jon are both avid supporters of the WDS Girls Hockey Program (thank you Ari Loren!!). At games, Jon can be found standing “quietly” near the goalie crease and drinking multiple diet cokes while Rachel is sitting in the stands (and hopefully not tumbling down them). 雷切尔和乔恩是斯卡斯代尔青年以色列的活跃成员. Additionally, Jon serves on the Board of Trustees at The Ramaz School and Rachel is an active member of the Westchester Chevra Kadisha.

Dara和Matthew Shatzkes

Dara和Matthew Shatzkes是Madison(24)的父母,他们非常自豪。, Emma ('26), 和Nathan(29岁),自2014年以来一直是威彻斯特走读学校家庭的一员. Dara是纽约市公立学校的老师. 她是教育和威彻斯特走读学校的热情倡导者. 多年来,她一直积极为学校提供教育方面的建议. Dara can be spotted at girls hockey games, numerous events, and occasionally on the carpool line. Matthew是Bochner, PLLC的医疗保健律师和合伙人. He serves on WDS’ Board of Trustees and has served on several committees of the Board including the Executive Committee and the Audit and Finance Committee. 只要有机会,马修就喜欢做班级旅行的志愿者. 达拉和马修坚信威彻斯特走读学校教育的价值. They are incredibly grateful to the Westchester Day School administration and faculty for meeting and supporting each of their children’s educational and emotional needs.



Although Becky Shapiro didn’t always think she’d be a science teacher, maybe she should have.  From an early age, 她带着朋友们在树林里散步, 和女童子军一起露营,带领年轻的童子军, 在夏令营做自然顾问.  她从小就对海洋生物学感兴趣, 这让她在大学期间在加勒比海担任水肺潜水教练.  When she drove through the woods for her interview at WDS in 2011 and saw the school’s location on the water, she knew this would be the place for her to teach and incorporate her love for nature and the ocean into her curriculum.  On any given day, 你可能会在她的潮间带鱼缸里找到她, 弹着她的四弦琴,唱着关于水循环的歌, or having her sixth graders extrapolate data about invasive crab populations based on crab count surveys on the beach. 作为WDS的第一位指定小学科学老师, 在过去的13年里,她一直在开发和提炼一种膨胀的, standards-based, 面向K-6年级学生的体验式学习课程. 十年前,她在白龙会花园的建设中发挥了重要作用, 在WDS去年与Grow Torah合作之前, 独自管理和协调其使用. 一直想帮助白龙会团队, she has also filled in as the 7th and 8th grade science teacher on four separate occasions.
2014年,WDS获得了一笔赠款,用于开发STEAM课程. Becky  spent that summer in various training sessions and returned to build the WDS Maker Space, 配备了3D打印机, a laser cutter, Arduino kits and more.  在过去的八年里, 除了将技术融入科学课程之外, she has helped facilitate engineering electives for grades 6-8 and coordinate with the elementary teachers to incorporate STEAM projects into their classrooms.  Under her direction, 从高一到八年级,每个年级都至少参加过一次大型活动, 每年基于项目的STEAM单元.   As part of WDS’s partnership with CIJE (the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education), Becky has also received continuous professional development in Science and STEM education, 包括在以色列进行为期一周的培训. 

贝基是斯卡斯代尔高中的毕业生, 特拉华大学(文学学士), 曼哈顿维尔学院(MPS).  她目前和她的家人住在佩勒姆:丈夫埃里克·柯林斯, sons Henry (6), Charlie (4), 女儿Maggie(6个月大).  Her parents are still in Scarsdale where she grew up and her mother Marcy is her biggest cheerleader as well as critical child care support. Her boys attended Ganon at WDS (Charlie is currently in Ganon Zahav) and it has been a highlight of her career to get to watch them learn and grow in such a warm, welcoming, and beautiful place. 

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

Westchester Day School is a Modern Orthodox, co-educational, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.